Principais produtos:Aspersores de incêndio, válvulas de alarme de incêndio, válvula de porta de incêndio, hidrante, tanque de espuma de fogo
Número da classificação 9 mais populares em Equipamentos de combate a incêndios & AcessóriosFinished product inspectionTesting instruments (10)Quality management certifiedSample-based customization
Main products cover pressure type proportional mixer, foam extinguishingagent, foam generator, light type foam fire-fighting device, foam nozzle, foamspray-head, foam fire hydrant, foam hydrant cabinet, wet alarm valve, delugealarm valve, pre-action instrument, water flow indicator, sprinkler head, signalbutterfly valve, signal sluice valve, outdoor fire hydrant, fire protection pumpadapter, fire hydrant cabinet, fire hose, indoor dire hydrant, fire protectionconnector and other products in over 100 varieties. All products pass
modeauthentication and 3C authentication. Our products are widely applied in majorproject of state level, large public place and professional markets. And they arereceived by customers.We pursue of excellent and would like to serve all friends sincerely.